Ali fought Sonny Liston and beat hime to win the title. He was later stripped of his title for refusing to fight in Vietnam.Originally known as Cassius Clay, Ali changed his name after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964, subsequently converting to Sunni Islam in 1975. In 1967, Ali refused to be inducted into the U.S. military based on his religious beliefs and opposition to the Vietnam War. He was arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges, stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended. He was not imprisoned, but did not fight again for nearly four years while his appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was successful.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Muhammad Ali Wins title in 1964
Ali fought Sonny Liston and beat hime to win the title. He was later stripped of his title for refusing to fight in Vietnam.Originally known as Cassius Clay, Ali changed his name after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964, subsequently converting to Sunni Islam in 1975. In 1967, Ali refused to be inducted into the U.S. military based on his religious beliefs and opposition to the Vietnam War. He was arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges, stripped of his boxing title, and his boxing license was suspended. He was not imprisoned, but did not fight again for nearly four years while his appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where it was successful.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Battle of Los Angeles

On February 24 into February 25th of 1942 An unidentified Flying Object was spotted over the city of Los Angeles. This happened within three months of Japan's infamous attack on Pearl Harbor. It had been initially thout that the aircraft was an enemy warplan but later the official story was that it was a balloon or blimp. Possibly it was mental warfare but some people have always thought it invloved Extre -Terrestrials.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tootsie Roll Invented 1896

Tootsie Rolls were originally invented in New York City in 1896 by an Austrian immigrant named Leo Hirshfield. He was trying to make an inexpensive chocolate flavored candy that could withstand high temperatures. He named it for his daughter Tootsie. In 1917 he changed the name of the company theSweets Company of America. During the depression the company was running into trouble, so the owner of a box manufacturer bought into the company and within three yeasrs turned the production 12 fold.
Monday, February 22, 2010
february Vacation (revisited)
Friday, February 12, 2010
February Vacation
Well it is February Vacation in 40 minutes. I am going snowboarding, and me and the kids are going to chill. I am very excited and have been all month. This year is going by fast as usual but it has been a great year so far. I am going to read the Bible every day and start my prayer push ups.
See you Monday after next.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
White Shirt Day

White Shirt Day was first celebrated on Feb. 11, 1948 as a way to honor the men and women who participated in the 1937 Sitdown Strike, which gained the UAW recognition as the sole bargaining agent for GM workers. White shirts are worn to work on the anniversary of the end of the strike. This action was intended to send a message to management that "blue collar" workers had earned the right to the same respect as their management counterparts. Today all over the Flint area, workers wear white shirts on Feb. 11.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Extra Terrestrial Culture Day
Today February 9th is Extra terrestrial Culture Day in New Mexico. It is a day “to celebrate and honor all past, present and future extraterrestrial visitors in ways to enhance relationships among all citizens of the cosmos, known and unknown.” This holiday is officially recognized by the New Mexico state legislature in acknowledgment that ever since the Roswell UFO incident of 1947, New Mexico is recognized worldwide as a nexus of sightings and unexplained mysteries. Annually, the second Tuesday of February.
In 1947 in Roswell New Mexico, there is an alleged event where the remains of alien spacecraft was found and the was a coverup by the military. The offical story is that a weather baloon had crashed.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Allende Meteorite

In 1969 a giant meteorite fell in Chihuahua Mexiceo. It happened at about 1 in the morning. It was roughly about the size of an automobile. It was the largest and most studied C Condrite* meteorite ever recorded. This meteor contains large aluminium and calcium deposits.
*Chondrites are stony meteorites that have not been modified due to melting or differentiation of the parent body.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Bubble Gum Day

Bubble Gum Day is a holiday specifically created to be a school fundraiser. It is the day when for a small price gum chewing is allowed, dare I say encouraged. Then any money collected for the holiday is given as charity. Chewing gum was invented here in the United States. Chicle however had been chewed in Central and South Americans since there were rubber trees.
George Washington Elected as President
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
National Women and Girls in Sports Day

At the Winter X Games in 1999 Dakides won a silver medal in slopestyle and a gold in big air, in 2000 she won two gold medals, one in slopestyle with a combined score of 88.50 after three runs, the other in big air with a combined score of 78.00. In 2001 she won another big air gold medal with a score of 89.00, and she was seventh in slopestyle. At the 2001 Sims World Championships she was first in slopestyle and fifth in big air At the 2002 X Games she won her third slopestyle gold medal. She was also received EXPN's Snowboarder of the Year award.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Groundhog Day

Today February 2nd is Groundhog Day. On this day people all over the country and Canada watch the actions of a local Groundhog Hero. The holiday has its roots in the the German Pennsylavanians of 1800s which were borrowed from a similar European Weather Lore. The largest Groundhog Day celebration is held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, where crowds as high as 40,000 have gathered to celebrate the holiday since at least 1886. If the ground hog sees it's shadow and gets scared. It will run back into the burrow and there will be six more wintery weeks otherwise Spring will come early this year. Of the dozen or so Groundhogs responsible for predicting springs arrival Punxsutawney Phil is the most well known.
Monday, February 1, 2010
NAtional Freedom Day
Freedom is not free. It is hated by tyrants and their tyrannical governments. National Freedom Day Celebrates the thirteenth ammendment to the United States Constitution which outlawed slavery and indentured servitude. Abraham Lincoln is the President attributed with the signing of the amendment. It was a major cause of the American Civil War. Unfortunately there are many people who are still living in Slavery or Slave like conditions even today. Many of whom are children. Many still are slaves to sin. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a major problem in our country and many others.
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