Friday, January 29, 2010

Fun at Work Day

I try to hve fun at work every day. Riding my bike to work is a lot of fun. When I am there I like to joke around with people. I have fun at rap class and also at Research and Design. Eating snacks during the day can be fun and so is praying with some co-workers. Here is a fun fact, Latin for fun is fuxi.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Space Shuttle Challenger

I remember in 6th grade in Ms. Connolly's class an announcement came over the intercom that there was a terrible ragedy. The soace shuttle blew up shortly after take off. Christa Macauliff was a science teacher from New Hamshire who had won a contest to go to space. She was one of the 7 Astronauts on board the Challenger. All 7 died.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Holocaust Rememberance Day

In the 1930 the German Workers Party (NAZI) rose up out of Germany led by Adolph Hitler and
systematically began eradicating any Jewish people from Germany. and then as they began invading every other country in their quest to control the World. Thousands of Jews were killed in one of the most heinous acts of all time.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Anniversary of Goerge Green's Dental Drill 1875

The practice of dentisty goes back to ancient times. There is evidence of it as far back as 7000 years ago, Cavities of 3.5 mm depth with concentric groovings indicate use of a drill quite slow, with speeds up to 15 rpm. In 1864 a british dentist invented a clockwork drill called the Erado. It was very loud. Mr Green came up with his drill in 1861 and had it patented in 1875. This invention revolutionized the industry.

Monday, January 25, 2010


In the 1950's Two guys from New Jersey, Marc Chavannes and Al Fielding were trying to invent plastic wallpaper with a plastic backing. It didn't look so nice but it did make a superior shipping/packaging material. In 1960 they patened their product and their company "Sealed Air" was born. At the time the best thing to use for shipping wrap was probably newspaper or sawdust. That being said they created the bubble wrap e all know and love today. Oh therapeutic bubbly bubble wrap how I long to expel the air out of your pefectly puffed pockets.
Bubble wrap can also be used to make clothes, furniture, pillows or thousand of other awesome uses. We had a dog who was afraid of popping sounds and we used bubble wrap for behavior modification. I miss that dog.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Monkeys In Space

On this Day in 1960 a monkey blasted off into space, but only for 8 miles. I was a test mission and the Monkey's name was Miss Sam. In the early stages of space exploration The space monkey 's did not fare well Most did not live very long after returning to Earth and some were lost at Sea. If you ask me the whole idea of sending monkeys to space is totally bananas.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

City of Boston Vanishes at Sea 1870.

There was a ship in 1870 named the City of Boston. It was making a voyage from Nova Scotia to Liverpool England. It never got there. No remains. Where did it go? One theory is that a man from halifax planted a dynomite explosive on the ship with a timer designed to sink the ship mid journey to collect on insurance claims.

Tuesday January 19th Tin Can Day

Today is the anniversary of the tin can. I love canned food. Especially canned ham. and canned beans. I drink cans of seltzer every day. Canned food lasts along time. Best thing in a disaster.
Can it! peachy.

Friday, January 15, 2010

martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday

Martin luther King was born in Alabama. He went to Moorehouse and then studied in seminary before completing his PHD at BU. He was instrumentalin the Civil Rights Movement and repealing the racist Jim Crow Laws. King was shot and killed fighting for what is right .

Thursday, January 14, 2010

20th Anniversary of The Simpsons

I remember watching the Tracy Ullman Show in the late 80's and seeing for the first time the Simpsons animated shorts. There was one where part was at the Aquarium and he went swimming in the shark tank. It was probably the best part of the Tracy Ulman Show. I also remeber when the show became a 30 minute program and all of the Tshirts and cheap knockoffs. It was right about the time that Michael Keaton Batman came out and The Bartman tshirt design was very popular. It seemed everybody was wearing the edgy Bart T-shirts. I think my school outlawed them for their lewdness. It is crazy that The Simpsons are still going strong. It is til one of the funniest shows on TV. I like it better than family guy or South Park because I can watch it with my kids. It's funny and not so shocking.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mickey Mouse First Appears in Newsprint for the First Time 80 years ago

After 15 or so appearances King Syndicate approached Walt Disney to do a syndicated comicstrip in Newspapers world wide. Ubi Werks was credited with the Art and Walt got the writing credit.
Eventually Ub Iwerks stopped working with disney and the job was give to a guy named Win Smith who had been doing the inking. It was the beginning of the disney empire.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

John Hancock's Birthday

John hancock was born in Braintree mass in the Early 1700's in a part that later became Quincy.
He had acquired a shipping business and became very rich and influential prior to the revolutionary war. His ship the Liberty was boarded and and seized the the British and he became politically involved in the problem with the British. He became a plitician and he was known as the protege of Samuel Adams. His signature is the most recognizable on the Declaration of Independance and to this day John Hancock is another way to say signature.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Clean off your desk day.

I need to clean out my car. I have things that have been in there for several years. Speakers, printers, clothes, cans and bottles, trash, cables, missing digital media. Car parts, blankets, books. Man I need to clean that car out. Then I should clean off the unused files from my computers.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Am Not Going To Take It Anymore Day

I am not going to take sitting in traffic anymore. Tomorrow I am taking my bike. I have had enough. Plus I need the exercise.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Epiphany (Three Kings Day)

Well actually three kings may have bee the number of wise men but the Bible is not very specific on this number. These were not kings but wise men, or that is astronomers. They had studied under the teachings of Daniel. The significance of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem fulfilled ancient prophesies from the old Testament about the coming Messiah. They brought gifts of Gold frankincense and Myrrh. These were not simply gifts but rather provision for their travel to Egypt. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus because it meant the end of his rule.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

12th Night

The twelth night of Christmas. The end of the Christmas festivities. It is been thought bad luck to leave christmas decorations up after today. In the song 12 nights of Christmas it was 12 drummers drumming that someones true love had sent to them. In Christianity this 12th day symbolizes the day the magi visited the newborn Jesus.